
Oct 9, 2019

Pregnancy in all its Colors

I am happy to announce I have thrown up twice since my last update. This, of course, means that I am now officially pregnant. Please tell everyone you know because I have yet to post on my social media. I am 21 weeks, but I can't announce until Stephen gets on board with my ideas (he has shut down all of them over the last few months). 


Carly's Idea Vault

- Bohemian Rhapsody music video. I turn around slowly to show my belly as the song says "Mama."

- "Half-baked." At 20 weeks, I share that we are "half-baked" (aka halfway) with the pregnancy. We would dress up as the Ben and Jerry's ice cream flavor OR apply foundation to half of our face with a tinfoil sun catcher implying that we've half-baked our faces in the sun. 
Apparently, this is also a weed reference.

- Streakers. On Halloween when my bump is very apparent, we would be streakers for our costume. Long trench coats and a boomerang of me revealing the bump. Caption: "We hate being flashy, but this announcement is too big to hide." A little sexual, but hey, how did we get the bump in the first place?

These were my most creative/excited ones, so you can see where the issue truly lies. 


Other pregnancy updates:

 Green  - I have puked two times. The first time was at work after eating a rice cake. The second time was when Stephen packed meatballs for his lunch and I walked out of the bedroom to the smell. I still feel nauseous if I don't eat, but it became less intense after 16 weeks.

 Red  - Pregnancy acne is the worst. It stays for weeks and leaves scars all around my mouth, chin, and cheeks. I've spent lots of money on new products without acne treatment (doctor recommended), but I might just see my dermatologist. Truly, my hormones have been very messed up pre-pregnancy since my IUD--acne included--so I shouldn't be that surprised. This has been my biggest pregnancy insecurity and I rue the day. That's all, I just rue it.

 Gray  - We are not finding out the gender. I like the surprise and I can handle not knowing. Stephen was easy to get on board, too. We simply just turned our heads during the 20-week appt. like we were turning away extra calories on a diet. It really comes down to whether the child will have a future jock itch or future camel toe. 

- I FINALLY felt the tiny thing kick. Child was very active during our 20-week appointment and I finally started feeling him/her last week. I confirm a baby kick when a toot doesn't immediately follow. 

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