
Jan 11, 2019

me and my hypo

A day in the life of a hypochondriac. Real story.

Day 1: Discovery
"My eye is really dry, must be tired."

Day 2: Communication
"It's been a day, I need to complain about my eye to Stephen."

Day 3: Curiosity
"I've slept well these past few days, which rules out tiredness. This is now serious."

Day 4: Justifying
"Has to be an invisible scratch, or a stuck eyelash? Eye looks normal, I'll be fine."

Day 5: Breakdown
This would happen after I lost my vision insurance last month. I'VE NEVER EVEN BEEN TO THE EYE DOCTOR." (anxious crying)

Still Day 5: Research

"Mom told me I can't go on WebMD anymore....but you have to catch these things early."

Day 6: First Diagnosis
"I've heard some people connect dry eyes to being anemic. 70% sure this is it."

Still Day 6: Call Help
"Call Dr. Mom. She will tell me what to do."

Day 7: Action
"I will go to the store and buy eyedrops."

Day 9: Desperation

"Doctor time."

I tried to solve the issue on my own, but my body reminds me that I don't have a lab coat and a cool degree. My body craves the doctor. When I go to doctor appointments, I shake from fear and love. So in this case, I did go to the doctor and I was healed of my ailment. THUS proving that my hypochondria is always right.

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