
Aug 28, 2018

Golden 8/25

Golden birthday - I've been waiting for this day since I slipped out of the womb. I'm 25: the golden egg, the shiniest of all the coins.

This blog has WAY more information about me than even I need to know. However, I have been compiling a list over the last YEAR to find EVERY nook and cranny (yanny?) of my pale self.

1. Fears include swallowing Nyquil and accidentally swearing

2. One of my talents is recognizing when people get haircuts

3. I get extremely sweaty at doctor offices

4. I don't like watching movies/t.v shows that have too much conflict or action in them

5. I don't like jelly beans or cream cheese frosting

6. When I eat something hard, I check my teeth in a mirror to see if they're still there

7. I blow off the crusties at the top of milk cartons before I pour

8.25  If you want to torture me, then try putting eye drops in my eye

9. I'm naive and have said some things, a list:

- I've only sworn once in my life, and it was the big one (starts with the letter after "E"). I was fooled once when I was eight and said it out loud. I cried for days and swore I'd never swear again

-  I was going to my freezer to get some chicken nuggets. I tried to find a fun name for them, so I called them nuggers. uhhhhh a little too close. My sister stopped me from ever nicknaming meats.

- I was at a Halloween corn maze with friends. I ran into this guy I knew, and he was wearing this Pirates of the Caribbean costume that he'd spent weeks making. It looked like the real deal - with mechanical elements and all. His character was that Davy Jones octopus-looking guy.  Well, I just couldn't get over how well his "testicles" looked. TENTACLES Carly, c'mon.

10. In my lifetime of hypochondria, I've had paralysis, smallpox, and 1-2 plagues

11. I've never flirted in my whole life - Stephen and I married through divine intervention

12. Bunions make me uncomfortable - I've had some encounters where I did not respond well

13. I CRY AT TENDER THINGS (examples below)

- When cars slow down at school zones or for emergency vehicles

- Any old man
- All dogs
- All dog movies
- Anything small

14. I get a lot of compliments when I wear pigtails

15. I joke about being self-conscious about my nostrils, but I'm not that insecure about them. Give me a baby doll's fist and some grapes, and we'll see if we can get them stuck in there.

16. The second toenail on both feet has never grown

17. My mood is represented by my phone cover. I've never had a personal photo as my phone cover. I will never have a personal photo as my phone cover, sorry babies.

18. I buy more art than clothes

19. I hiccup once loudly every day

20. I sit on one leg when I sit down on chairs

21. I'm a fast pee-er because I squat and don't waste my time with those dumb liners

22.  I've never been to the dentist without my mom

23. Stephen first saw me cry on a triple date (we didn't go together) at a hockey game - because the five-year-old hockey kids came out during halftime and the goalie was so small

24. I feel happier when the weather is cloudy/grey. Without knowing the weather, I'll wake up that day and feel happier.

25. When I was younger, I read an article in The Friend about a girl named Melanie who said a very intense nightly prayer. She didn't open her eyes after the prayer ended because she wanted to stay in the moment with Heavenly Father. Since, I have been scared to NOT open my eyes after, because I don't want Heavenly Father to hear my before-bed-weird-thoughts. Even on my most tired nights where going from my knees to the pillow looks so easy, I still open my eyes really wide just once so we all know we're out of the prayer.

We all know too much now, great. 25 is the end of my young adults, I know this because I took a survey yesterday and had to say my age was in the "25-34" bracket.

GOODBYE YOUTH, I can't see you getting farther away because my vision is blurry.

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