
Dec 28, 2016

New Things, New Things

I'm declaring the year of the seven as my year.
2016 was a time for learning and strength,
but I always felt it was a heavy waiting period.
You never remember sitting in the terminal waiting for your flight
You remember the flight. The take-off, the stomach turns, the landing--oh, and the peanuts

2016 gave me mountains, that turned out to be hills
and oceans, that were actually streams.
It was a year where I felt like I moved marathons, 
but only moved steps.

A year that I should of accomplished the world,
but instead, stood still.

2017, you can't make me stronger
or fight my fears.
You can't even change someone who refuses to change herself.

You're going to tell me that I can.
Actually, even better, you're going to push me until I can.
You'll leap off the bleachers, run into the field, and point to the goal where I need to kick.

You'll give me a year of road maps and blueprints,
new beginnings and new endings.

2017, a friendly face that I've been eager to meet. 

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