
Aug 25, 2015


let's talk.

You are 1 + 1 :|| 

By some miracle (that multiple people are still surprised by) you found a handsome man to make you grilled cheese. 
What I thought would happen on a rainy August day in 2017, is actually in 2 days.

An early welcome to surprise fees and insurance cards,
mis-matched socks and off-brand detergent,
happiness and eternal bliss
(am i right, or am i right)

Public Statement: I'm leaving my Independence for someone better. She's been good to me. She took me to Europe, she listened to Coldplay with me, she complimented me when I dyed my hair (when Mother wouldn't), & she's been through every mental breakdown (1-2 a year, fine...month, 1-2 a month).

But, Mr. is stronger and better and everything my 12-year old journal described him to be.

So, hello number 22
 and cheers to always having your equal next to you.

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